WIDAF考试注册 Opzioni

WIDAF考试注册 Opzioni

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aux personnes en fonction dans des entreprises industrielles, commerciales ou de prestations de service privées et publiques,


We attach great importance to individual support in a pleasant learning atmosphere: Due to our small course sizes of max. 12 participants, our experienced instructors can optimally respond to your personal learning level. If you wish, we can also offer you an individual course Durante which our instructors concentrate fully on you. You can join the course at any time - start preparing for your WiDaF certificate today.

La validation de ce test en langue permet d’augmenter ses chances sur le marché du travail à l’international.

The WiDaF test is an internationally recognized language test for job-related language skills in German. It includes tasks from all different types of jobs and business sectors. The detailed list of the results from the different sections on the certificate provides companies with an overview of the language skills of the person tested at the levels from A2 to C2.

WIDA illumination systems are available Con two versions: with professional and ergonomic headband but different focus.


The WiDaF test, which WIDAF考试注册 is the same worldwide, offers both companies and applicants a tool for fast and reliable as well as objective proof of German language skills relevant to the workplace.

Dans le cadre du CPF, le candidat passe un test de positionnement gratuit qua permet de vérifier son niveau initial et faire une demande de formation et/ou de certification.

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de valider les acquis en allemand professionnel à l’issue d’un cursus académique ou d’une formation professionnelle.

A l’issue de la délibération du jury de certification, le certificateur prendra la décision definitivo d’octroyer la certification selon le nombre de points obtenus au regard du CECRL.

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